[REVIEW] Skinfood Gummy Bear Hand Cream in Cherry Chocolate

Skinfood Gummy Bear Hand Cream – Cherry Chocolate (45ml)

Good afternoon ladies and gents, I hope we all are having a wonderful Thursday. Don’t worry, Friday is right by the corner. Today, I’m here to share my thoughts on this hand cream I got recently in the mail. It’s pretty adorable, huh? I do recall seeing this hand cream available in multiple different scents about 1-2 years ago? I thought these were completely sold out but I was lucky enough to stumble across an eBay seller who sold these. They weren’t cheap, I do recall paying about 12 Canadian dollars for it. These range from 8 Canadian dollars to 12 Canadian dollars. It really depends on where you decide to purchase these.

The scent reminds me of a Milky, Cherry creamsicle, I don’t really smell the chocolate/cocoa notes. As you can see in the photo, my hand is outrageously dry, doesn’t matter whether it’s fall, winter, spring or summer, my hands will always somehow be dry. I have been really neglecting my hand care so I should really get back into habit using hand creams when needed.

The first thing I noticed for texture was that this it’s not watery, thin nor is it too thick. It has a perfect combination of the two making it extremely easy to massage into the skin. You don’t need a lot of it to moisturize your hands and you most definitely can layer it if needed. It doesn’t give you that thick white cast on your hands when you apply too much which is nice because, at times, I tend to accidentally dispense out more hand cream than needed.

Texture: 5/5 – This is my ideal texture I would like in hand cream. A hybrid between lightweight but not watery and not thick where it’s difficult to spread.
Price: 3/5 – A bit on the pricey side for a standard hand cream but at least the packaging is adorbs.
Packaging: 5/5 – Super adorable, compact and iconic! Who doesn’t know or love gummy bears?
Moisturizing: 3/5 – I think this is a standard hand cream, it’s most definitely not heavy duty enough for dry, cracky winter hands
Scent: 3/5 – This scent could be better, I wish it smelled more like cherry chocolate because it really reminds of a cherry milkshake, cherry creamsicle or even creme savers hard candy!


I would probably recommend this anyone who collects cosmetics and loves cute packaging. It’s definitely something you can do without but great for those who collect these sorts of things.


Thanks for dropping by to check out my review~ Til next time, friends.

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