[REVIEW] MAY ISLAND Whitening Capsule Illuminating Pearl Cream

Hello friends, I hope you all had a fantastic start to your week. I wanted to come on here and share another beautiful tone-up cream that I have been using this past month or so. Firstly, can we just take a moment to appreciate the aesthetics of this gorgeous packaging? It’s bright and has a lovely clean design. If you are following me on Instagram, you probably already know I have an addiction to collecting capsule based products. The primary reason why I like them so much is the appearance (of course) and secondly how amazing the concept is. Special ingredients are stored in these capsules and disperse when you spread it on your skin. I don’t know about you but I find it really makes the product more fun!

This product was kindly gifted to me through Beauty Box Korea. They are an online based K-Beauty shop and sell a wide range of products from skincare, beauty, household products, and even jewelry. I highly recommend you to head over there and check them out. You will not be disappointed with what they have to offer. Most of the time when I’m looking for the new K-Beauty releases, I usually check there first!


Available on: Beauty Box Korea | Amazon

Ingredients: cosDNA

The ingredient list appears to be quite mild for the most part; there is a big range of hydrating ingredients such as glycerin, betaine, green tea extract and etc.  Niacinamide is on the top set of the ingredients and that is perfect for skin brightening. I was quite surprised that there were anti-inflammatory ingredients such as Centella Asiatica and Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract. Both of these are fantastic for soothing and calming down skin inflammation. On the packaging, it does not state the amount of SPF in this however there is titanium dioxide in this; which is used as pigment but also an active ingredient in sunscreen that can protect against the sun’s UV rays.

*I highly recommend you all to always check the ingredients prior to purchasing anything and be sure to do swatch tests on your wrists because you just do not want to risk a negative skin reaction, especially on your face.



  • Texture: 5/5 – This is a really lovely capsule based gel cream – the consistency is almost weightless and the capsules inside are very soft to the touch; making it very easy to spread and for them to disperse evenly into the skin.
  • Scent: 5/5 –The scent is a clean, floral scent. It’s soft and eventually does fade away so for those who dislike lingering and strong scents, this is definitely a nice tone-up cream to try.
  • Price: 5/5 – I think it’s a reasonable amount to charge for a tone up cream. Sure, there are many more affordable tone-up creams out there but it honestly varies on your budget at the end of the day. You’re paying for the beautiful packaging and I personally believe this cream will last you a while before you need replenishment of it. You only really need a pea size everything you apply this on your face.  The real question consumers should ask themselves prior to purchasing a product is “how much use will get out from this?” and “how often will I use this?”; This applies for everything.
  • Performance: 4/5 – The longevity of this product will vary between 5-8 hours of wear. Be sure to blot your makeup periodically otherwise it will start to separate your makeup. I would not recommend this as an overall body tone-up cream simply because it wears off quite easily and does not really last through multiple hand washes. I would say it would last through 1-2 hand washes before it’s completely gone. As for my face, it lasted for a while and it did a fantastic job holding my makeup and also creating an even, brighter looking complexion.
  • Packaging: 5/5 – BEAUTIFUL! I always will appreciate gorgeous packaging and you guys already know I really appreciate the science and appearance behind these capsule based type of products because they’re innovative, advanced and aesthetically pleasing to look at.
  • Overall: 4/5 – It’s a neat concept and product. I would recommend this for those who are looking for a product that specifically can brighten up their skin tone by a foundation shade. When using this product, please ensure you apply sunscreen prior to application because you will still need your daily SPF protection. It’s extremely important to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This product did not break me out however I would highly recommend you to do your research on ingredients prior to purchasing and using things like this and this applies to all products. Not everyone’s skin type is alike so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Overall, I did very much enjoy this and will continue to use this.




This product was kindly gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.



*Some links on this post are affiliate links. This means that I will earn a small commission if you purchase from these links.

[REVIEW] Mamonde Vital Vitamin Essence ~ Bitter Orange

Hello, dear friends! Welcome back to another blog post~ This week’s product review is a product I have been using for 2 months now. Please do not be deceived by the image’s usage because I always take my photo prior to using the product. Who doesn’t love looking at a fresh product? This week’s product is a bit different and unique because I don’t really own anything like this.

Mamonde has a lot of unique products in their skincare and beauty line. There’s a wide range of products to choose from and they have a line for every skin type!

DSC_2586This product was kindly gifted to me from Jolse , in exchange for an honest review. Jolse is one of the most reputable online stores and known for their fantastic discounts, sales and also try-me events. They have a fantastic range of products to choose from along with FREE international delivery. The prices cannot be beaten and they hold one of the most fantastic sale events. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletter and bookmark their website to check for new updates on what deals they have for the week. I’m also a huge mask hoarder and always check out their mask value sets.

Available on: Jolse | Amazon | Yesstyle
100 ml – $22 ~ $32 * varies where you purchase this.

My skin type:

My skin type is combination (oily t-zone, dry cheeks), congested, dehydrated and somewhat sensitive.

Alright, let’s hop on to the product details and what it is shall we?

What is it?

This product is a facial essence. The purpose of having a facial essence in a routine is to prep the skin by beginning the process of cell reproduction. It assists shedding old skin and revealing new skin for an improved and radiant appearance.

This essence is packed with vitamin capsules that evenly distribute and cures dull and dehydrated skin. Its main features are being formulated with bitter orange flower, 7-vitamin complex (Bitter Orange Flower + 6 vitamins necessary to replenish and hydrate the skin), vitamin capsules packed with antioxidants and protect moisture barrier.

The 6 vitamins are B3, B5, C, E, F, and P.

B3 (nicotinamide) and B5 (pantothenic acid) are fantastic for softening the skin, improves the appearance of enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, dullness, and weak skin surface

Vitamin C is one of the most popular ingredients in skin care and known for brightening the skin. It also may be used to combat against acne, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and reduces skin inflammation.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and effective for soothing skin burns and also diminishing the appearance of scars. It also can combat the effects of toxins in the environment.

Vitamin F is also known as linoleic acid. Linoleic Acid is able to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier and provides moisturizing and soothing benefits.

Vitamin P plays a role in supporting and enhancing the effects of Vitamin C. It helps to repair and renews the skin.



  • Texture: 5/5 – I adore it! I love anything that is in a gel consistency and spreads nicely onto the skin without leaving any sticky residue behind.
  • Scent: 5/5 – There really isn’t much of a scent for this. Maybe there are a tiny bit of citrus notes but I barely smell anything from this product. I do appreciate and enjoy citrus scents but unscented things are fine with me as well.
  • Price: 5/5 – Price is pretty good for the amount that you get! You get 100ml of product, a dispenser that is easy to control the amount of product that comes out. Jolse always has one of the best deals going on so I would highly suggest you head over there and see what deals they have this week.
  • Performance: 3.5/5 – I did enjoy the capsules breaking and disappearing into my skin; the last thing I want is to have random specks of capsule pieces of my face that did not break down evenly or properly.
    It was okay, it was moisturizing, however, I did not notice any major brightening results from this. It is marketed to allow makeup to sit better on the skin, diminishes the appearance of dehydrated skin and naturally brightens dull skin. I mean, I chose this essence specifically for brightening purposes because whenever I see the keywords: Vitamin C, Orange, Lemon/Lime, I quickly assume it’s for brightening. If you’re looking for a brightening product, I would highly recommend the Klairs Vitamin Drop Serum . If you’re curious to see my results, please check out my Instagram post where I share a review and before+after shots on the product.
  • Packaging: 3/5 – A tiny bit hard to read the writing from afar and hard to identify what exactly it is but it is gorgeous. I was actually hoping this would be a glass bottle for aesthetics and give it that luxurious appearance to it. The pump works nicely and gets the capsules out. I’ve seen a lot of capsule-based products pump not pumping out the capsules from the bottle but this does.
  • Overall: 3.5/5 –  I like it but not enough to repurchase this and this bottle would probably last me a while anyway. Don’t get me wrong – it was a great product and gave me no irritation or negative reactions, however, the search for a brightening essence will continue. I still very much love Mamonde products and I would recommend you to try this if you’re looking for something that provides extra moisturization to the skin.


*Some links on this post are affiliate links. This means that I will earn a small commission if you purchase from these links.